Friday, December 12, 2008

Comment: Politcal bias affects brain activity

I chose to comment on this colleagues blog because I thought it was humorous how the results of the experiment came out exactly as I thought they would. This news comes at no surprise to me. People see what they want to see, or believe what they want to believe. This is true with just about anything, though it is very evident in politics. Even I am guilty of this sometimes. I was raised Conservative Republican, so I always thought of republicans being the good guys and the democrats being bad, but now I see they are both a bunch of crooks. I still have conservative beliefs. I believe that more government is the last thing we need after watching the last eight years. Bush was doing the exact opposite of what he was supposed to stand for. He got away with most of his plans because he hired a bunch of "yes" men. although I am no Obama fan, I do applaud him for hiring people of different political views into his cabinet. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

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