Thursday, September 18, 2008

Raising taxes a patriotic act? I don't think so...

So, tonight I was reading along different news articles and I just so happened to find something that caught my eye. The vice presidential Democratic candidate, Joe Biden, decided to share with us his views on why we should raise taxes, or support Obama's campaign.

Raising taxes a patriotic act? I would have to disagree. Yes, it would only go to the population of people who make over $250,000 dollars a year, and according to factcheck, thats about 2% of the population. This would mean the tax would be cut for the majority of the Country, which makes it all the more unfair to be punishing the people that HAVE worked hard, and HAVE been patriotic by making big businesses and providing jobs. These hard working people have worked their butts off to get where they are today. Not only that, but they have been GIVING the government most of their money already. Adding more taxes would only weaken the economy, which is the LAST thing we need in our Nation at this time. Taxing the most patriotic workers in the country. I find that the exact opposite of patriotic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You miss the point of having and existing within a society. We come together so that all may exist and to perpetuate the greater good. Inherently, that means that if there are those to do better than others, then they will have to contribute more to the society because they can part with more. Also, these people that have worked hard and made more money many times do it on the backs of those who work long hours only to not see their pay increase and often times to lose their jobs due to outsourcing so that the company can make more money without any kind of consideration as to the fact that they help the economy to survive by providing jobs. This pushes us to a more consumer based economy which won't work because the majority of the people can't afford to spend, spend, spend because of losing these types of jobs.