Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Socialism and the United States

Anyone who has kept up in the news and current events has heard this word thrown around frequently. Most see it as a bad thing and some see it as an improvement. I, for one, am sick of the call for more of it when we are being destroyed by it enough as it is. I'm sure most of you know by now who I am talking about that seems to think Socialism is the answer, and that person is our president-elect Barack Obama.

He promises a lot of change, and seeing where we are right now with our current president, I can see why his slogan was so effective to the uneducated eye. Here is a darn good article of how Obama sees our constitution and how it should work. This is a fine example of how a socialist thinks, and it's scary if you ask me. He also has a tendency to surround himself with Socialist ideas and people. When he talks about change, I look at his policies and I see the wrong kind of change. I see the kind of change failed government's go through. I see the kind of change where people lose their good businesses due to losing a free market. What I see is that if Obama goes through with all his change that he promises, then we can say goodbye to our capitalist system that has worked for over 200 years.

Now I know you might be thinking, "Worked? Ha! We're in a huge recession! We need to change!" Think about it. Why are we in a recession? A large portion of it has to do with past political leaders, not the system of the government. If we would have had the right leaders this would have never happened. If you look into George W. Bush's past he ran down almost every single business he owned. This was a train wreck waiting to happen. What we need is not more government interference, but a less power hungry, intelligent leader who knows how to lead a nation and knows how the economy works. That on top of a free market system truly represents how great this nation is. Unfortunately it seems that all the leaders we get stuck with have a tendency to running the nation astray.

In all honesty, I don't believe Obama will get most of what he plans passed, which is what I am hoping the most. Since he isn't straight forward about saying his views are socialist, which they blatantly are, I have the feeling he just wants the government to have more power, which means he has more power. The problem with this is that if you look through history, government has not done anything right. They are corrupt screw ups mainly in it for power. Yes, we do need a government system to run a country, but that doesn't mean we need a ton of it. Less government interfering with our personal business means less corruption and failure, and you don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that corruption and failure should be avoided at all costs.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Comment: Is the US government becoming too rational?

I agree that the government is becoming irrational. I think it's because they are more in it for power now, rather than what is best for the people. From the definition given by "rational" I would say that the government is being the exact opposite. In the past, I can see how rationality of the government was the politician's main goal, but yet it sometimes became irrational. However, I see the government becoming more and more irrational without even trying to be rational in the first place. When they don't tell us the whole truth about issues, or say and do anything to be elected, I see it more being about power rather than being rational, which is exactly why I favor less government.