Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Politics? Power? What are the people in office really thinking...

Do our political leaders really want what is best for the country? Do they really know what is best for the country? Most of the time they don't. Most politicians will do whatever they can to make sure they get power, even if it is immoral or unethical.

Take a look at Obama's campaign. Where did he get most of his help? First, lets take a nice long look at Acorn. Acorn, which stands for Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, is the largest radical group in America. They have that famous "in your face" tactic that goes too far, and they have been involved with many disruptive movements and are being thoroughly investigated for many fraudulent charges. How is Obama tied up with all this? Well it just so happens to be that he used to be an organization leader in the group. The group also helped set him up in 2004 to become the Democratic presidential candidate. Obama had too much to do with this corrupt radical group.

As if Acorn isn't bad enough, lets look at the Tony Rezko and Obama situation. Tony Rezko helped Obama's funding for his campaign, not to mention his one million dollar mansion. Obama had close ties to Rezko. Why is this a problem you may wonder? Well if you read that article it states that Rezko is now a convicted felon, under many corruption charges.

On top of all that, there's reverend Jeremiah Wright. Brace yourself for where Obama gets his beliefs from.

Oh my... Do I really have to elaborate past that? Honestly, he sits through 20 years of that and he expects us to just pretend it didn't happen? Good Lord.

Over all, most politics are more in it for power, rather than the people, and most of the time they will do immoral things to get into power. A good example of this is the Democratic Presidential candidate Barack Obama.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Biden, the "Gaffe Machine"

When I heard this I fell out of my chair laughing. Oh, that Joe! is right. Another gaffe by Joe Biden. My Lord, Joe, just how often are you going to speak out of your rear? Where is this all over the news? Wouldn't it be if Sarah Palin did something like this? Also, I have to agree with another blog that had been put up, showing just how classy Joe Biden is. If you watched the third and final Presidential Debate, you would know that the election race has been brutal. There have been many low blows and attacks by both candidate's campaigns. Obama said in the debate that he always dealt with people who threw those attacks at McCain, and I find it funny that his running mate comes out soon after to criticize someone who has not even declared his views on who he is going to vote for, but only his views on Obama's plans, and that he disagrees with them. No, there were no attacks put out by the regular citizen. No low blows. Just a different opinion, and Obama's running mate comes out to say this. Bravo, Joe.

Along with that, raising taxes on the successful will not help the economy. Say that because of this tax raise, a big business man lost several of thousands of dollars to this hole we call the government. That money that he had to throw away into that hole could have been used to hire more people or open up more businesses, therefore creating more jobs, and that money stays circulating in the United States instead of in the pockets of the government. Not to mention the fact that big businesses will want to move to different countries where they don't punish the successful.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Very Popular Vice Presidential Debate

Coming up very soon is the Vice Presidential debate with Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate Joe Biden and Republican Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin. Yes, this will be a very important factor in the election. Yes there is much pressure on both candidates, but Good Lord is there a load more on our Sarah Palin. First, you have the moderator who has already written a book to be released when, or if, Obama becomes President, and along with that, Palin has already been drilled by the Liberal media in unfair interviews, especially by Katie Couric. If She messes up just one bit it will be all over the news, unlike the many slip-ups from both Obama and Joe Biden.

This editorial from the Austin American Statesmen brings up some good points on the importance of this debate, although I disagree with some of the facts. According to the author, Sarah Palin seemed "stumbling and inarticulate" with the interviews on CBS. Of course she did! She is on the liberal media! they hate Sarah Palin. They are going to try to fry her and make her look like a radical freak. They show you only what they want you to see, and never the complete truth. They wont tell you her good answers, or the good parts of the interview. Rush Limbaugh, one of the most listened to anchormen on the radio, brings up a great point on this. He basically says that when she asks Palin these unfair questions that she does give good answers. He even plays recordings of the interview that proves that her answers are precise and intelligent, but they wont tell you that. They make it look as bad as possible.

Another place I don't agree with the author, and apparently part of the country, is who won the Presidential debate. Honestly, I think that Obama might have been a little more secure over the first half of the debate, but not by much. On top of that, there were so many times when Obama really didn't know what to say, so he covered part of his argument up with McCain's facts. Obama said so many different times in the debate that he agreed with McCain. Many of Obama's countering arguments started off with "First of all, I agree with Senator McCain on that..." and that's just some of the evidence that Obama was torn apart on the debate of Foreign Affairs.

However, I believe the Author brings up a good fact about Joe Biden, which also supports my statements of how the Media does not show the many mistakes the democrats make. Talk about out of touch, Joe Biden failed his history class by a mile.

I'm sorry, but no democrat should have the right to call McCain old and out of touch just because he couldn't tell how many houses he had after this little incident. Also, if Sarah Palin said something like this, it would be on every media station and all over the internet for weeks.

The only thing that could make this debate hairy for the republicans is the moderator, Gwen Ifill. She also couldn't care less for Sarah Palin, and has already written a book on Barrack Obama and will be released the day he becomes President, that is if he becomes the President. It's called The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama. So as you can see, she is already pro-democratic. I hope that this does not make a difference in the debate, however, she does have a reputation in the past to sway to one party in a debate.

I think the author brings out some good points in this article and I hope I cleared up some of the facts for you people reading. Enjoy the debate!